Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Art of Why

But... why? We ask ourselves this about almost everything we come in contact with.

And usually, the answer is unclear.

So, how on earth--with the word why around--can evangelism happen? How on earth can you convince someone to believe in something as important as the existence of a God? Especially if they already have their mind mad up? Ah, why?

Well the answer isn't simple at all. In fact, I don't know the answer, I'm just going to ramble on about it for a few paragraphs because THAT'S WHAT BLOGGERS DO. Anyway. We should embrace the why. Discussion is the only way you will get anywhere with a person who has opposing views. Ask for a why. But also, make sure you're ready for it.

I've read a good deal of the atheist side evangelism, and most articles say the same things. The educated/non-anger driven articles simply state that they are open minded, but the evangelist is not. The"why" angers the person trying to do something as important as completely change a person's life. May I ask--Why? I do not know the answer but I can guess that their beliefs are being attacked and therefore taking is personal. These people need to stay out of the recruiting business.

Long story short, I think they "why" is fun for conversation and educated discussions, but as far as it's role in fundamentalist Christian evangelization, eh I don't think it will ever work. When it comes down to it, Religion is something a person is better of experiencing on their own. It's a little too intimate for a rando to be creepin around.

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