Monday, November 29, 2010

Readers Digest Version

Essentially, here's my paper in a nut-shell.

-Field Situation
-Pre-Evangelism steps
     -Explanation of two subheads, Emotional and Physical Tactics
     - Importance of spiritual "check up" i.e. self-evangelism

-Essential Evangelism Steps
1. Initial Conversation
2. Involvement by Action
3. Conversion


All sections include analysis and scholar input, of course.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Not bad my friends

I finally feel good about my paper. I have established concrete steps and ideas that exemplify my own beliefs, as well as scholars in the field. I feel accomplished and relieved that this battle is at least partially won (we'll see how the grade is, haha) How do you feel now that it's all said and done? Cheesy, I know, but I am glad that I have this to add to my portfolio. I have never written a paper that even comes clothes to this depth and length, and I have to say that it's not as bad as I thought it would be. And yes, I see you Dr. Simmons, nodding your head saying "I told you so". Hope everyone has a fantastic break! I know I will spend it in a coma.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Another look at Scared Space

In class we talked a great deal about sacred space. In my paper I am dedicating a small part to what spaces/places are acceptable to evangelize. Is the call from the telemarketer at 5 a hassel because that is "family time" or just because telemarketers are annoying? The advertisers say you prefer that time, and know that you will be home, just so you know. 

SO, if you were going to be converted, were would be the ideal place you would see it happening? Verbal tactics aside, do you see yourself running into an evangelists arms on the beach in slow motion? Or possibly in front of your college's student union on your way to class? That might be too personal, we're just trying to get to class, buddy. 

I think the best time is the best time. Educated evangelists drop the G bomb when it's a right, and not offensive, or invasive, or awkward. The best time, in my opinion, is when a person knows you well enough to value what you have to say, in a context that is conversational, and a location that is comfortable.